Pohjoismainen kannanotto Tanskan jumalanpilkkapäätöksestä

Kannanoton taustalla on Tanska, jossa ensimmäistä kertaa vuosikymmeniin annettiin tuomio jumalanpilkasta. Ruotsin, Norjan ja viimeksi Islannin laista kriminalisointipykälät on poistettu.

Pohjoismaiset Kansainvälisen eettisen ja humanistisen unionin (IHEU) jäsenjärjestöt ovat tehneet yhteisen kannanoton jumalanpilkkalaista.

Kannanoton taustalla on Tanska, jossa ensimmäistä kertaa vuosikymmeniin annettiin tuomio jumalanpilkasta. Ruotsin, Norjan ja viimeksi Islannin laista kriminalisointipykälät on poistettu.

The Nordic Humanist Associations call upon the Danish government to abolish §140 of the Danish Penal Code.

As humanists we hold that both freedom of speech and freedom of religion and belief must be protected at all times. It must be remembered that these are rights of human beings, i.e. human rights. Legislation should protect the individual freedom of speech as well as individuals against hate-speech and hate-crimes. Hateful and critical utterances directed at ideas, religions and ideologies should be fought with words and debate, not legislation. Any individual should be able to criticize all points of view, even if the critique isn’t very polite or very tasteful.

As Nordic secular democracies we have an obligation to say loud and clear that we do not find it acceptable to punish people because they offend gods or religions. In other parts of the world this is punishable by death and by not taking a stand against such laws we participate in the sanctioning of this kind of legislation. 

Denmark, Finland and the Faroese Islands still upholds blasphemy laws and we hereby encourage the abolishment §140 of the Danish Penal Code as well as the blasphemy laws in Finland and the Faroese Islands.

Vapaa-ajattelijain Liitto ry – Fritänkarnas Förbund rf, Finland
Humanistit, Finland
Humanisternä, Sverige
Human-Etisk Forbund, Norge
Si∂mennt, Island
Humanistafelag Føroya, Færøerne