Objectives and Strategy of the Union of Freethinkers of Finland 2020-2023
1. Mission
The Union of Freethinkers of Finland is a politically non-aligned advocacy, human rights and cultural organisation for the non-religious, which bases its activities on science-based, rational thinking and humanistic values. The Union and its member associations work collectively and interactively as part of the international secular, humanistic movement.
• The Union promotes freedom of thought, religion and philosophy of life, equality, non-discriminatory treatment regardless of religion or conviction, and the neutrality of public authorities.
• The Union promotes a secular society as well as secular customs and civil ceremony services.
• The Union promotes a science-based understanding of reality, rational and critical thinking, a secular worldview and humanistic ethics.
2. Vision
The Union of Freethinkers of Finland seeks a secular state and society in which:
• The state and the municipalities are neutral in terms of religion or persuasion and are committed to upholding the human rights of people as defined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
• Education is based on science, rationality, sustainable development and secular humanistic values.
• The rights, especially of children and young people, and the formation of their identity are respected.
• The role of civic action and organisations is vital in the free, interactive and democratic development of society.
• The activities of Freethinkers and other secular organisations play an important part in promoting and providing service structures for a secular culture.
• Finland as a state works internationally for human rights, including acting to end human rights violations against the non-religious.
3. Values
The socio-political and cultural goals of the Union of Freethinkers of Finland are based on human rights. The Union respects fundamental and human rights and their universal values such as freedom of the individual and freedom of thought, non-discrimination, equality, freedom of speech and responsibility for other people and the environment.
Acceptance of differences between people and respect within the Union’s activities are core values. The member associations bring together a wide range of people with various aims and focus areas, both in terms of Freethinker activities and social policy in general, in work to achieve mutually agreed objectives. Freedom of speech belongs to everyone, also to those who think differently from us.
All Freethinkers as members of their respective associations have an equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to the work.
Julkaisemme näin englanniksi alkuosan Vapaa-ajattelijain liiton tavoitteet ja strategia 2020-2023 -ohjelmasta, joka hyväksyttiin liittokokouksessa syyskuussa 2020. Käännös: Michele Alppi